Some free fonts
Great Web Fonts
For some time now each time I entered a website whose font I liked I analyzed its font-family
. Below are some of the fonts (starting from the ones I liked most often):
Font names
- 5 freight-sans-pro
- 3 Open Sans
- 3 Cardo
- 2 jaf-bernino-sans
- 2 freight-text-pro
- 2 adobe-caslon-pro
- 2 Source Serif Pro
- 2 PT Serif
- 2 PT Sans Narrow
- 2 PT Sans
- 2 Open Sans Condensed
- 2 Lato
- 2 Fira sans
- 1 skolar-1
- 1 neutra-face-text
- 1 museo-sans-1
- 1 medium-content-serif-font
- 1 futura
- 1 freighttext_mediumregular
- 1 freightsans_probold
- 1 freight-sans-pro”
- 1 ff-dagny-web-pro
- 1 etica-1
- 1 eb_garamond12
- 1 dinheavy-webfont
- 1 calluna-sans
- 1 brandon-grotesque
- 1 af-bernino-sans
- 1 Yanone Kaffeesatz
- 1 Verlag A
- 1 Ubuntu Mono
- 1 TiemposTextWeb-Regular
- 1 SofiaProBlack
- 1 Skolar Regular
- 1 Signika Negative
- 1 PTSansRegular
- 1 Noto Serif
- 1 Montserrat
- 1 Minion Pro
- 1 Meta-Medium
- 1 Merriweather Sans
- 1 MercuryTextG2
- 1 Klinic Slab
- 1 Ideal Sans SSm SC
- 1 Ideal Sans SC A
- 1 HelveticaNeue-Light
- 1 HelveticaNeue-CondensedBold
- 1 Helvetica Neue
- 1 HaasDisplayBold
- 1 Gentium Book Basic
- 1 Gentium Basic
- 1 FuturaCondensed
- 1 FuturaBT-Bold
- 1 FreightSansCondensedProW01
- 1 Fira Sans
- 1 FCZizouSlab
- 1 FCKaiserCond
- 1 Effra
- 1 ETBembo
- 1 EB Garamond
- 1 Droid Serif
- 1 Crimson Text
- 1 AvenirLTStd-Black—7 glyphs
- 1 Avenir Next LT W01
- 1 Adobe Garamond W08
- 1 AdelleBold
- 1 Brandon
- Source Code Pro
- Fira Code
- Whitney,
- Nobel
- Playfair Display
- Oswald
- Lato
- “Libre Baskerville”
- “MeretPro”
- Railway fonteo
- Old Standard TT
- W droge font
- Montserrat
- ‘Archivo Narrow’